The Amazon region is one of the four natural regions of the country. It includes the provinces of Orellana, Pastaza, Napo, Sucumbios, Morona Santiago, Zamora Chinchipe.

The tourists can know differents Ethnic groups as:

·         Huaorani
·         Shuar
·         Ashuar
·         Kichwa
·          Siona secoya
·         Cofan
·         Quijos

·         Zaparo 

Ethnic groups maintain customsin housing methods, hunting, family and social organization.

Temperature: 24 to 25 C. 
Weather hot, humid and rain.

Principals products: Bananas, cacao, tropical fruits and fishs.

The Amazon ecosystem, particularly its tropical rainforest contains plant and animal habitats richest and most complex in the world.

Tourists activities

Rafting, birdwatching, community-based ecoturism programs, rainforest hikes, expeditions and wildlife observation.


The gastronomy is principal the preparation of fish in the leaves, as the ​​ayampaco, maito and meats such as guanta, the guatusa and other jungle animals, and plants typical of the region.

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