The Galapagos Islands located in the Pacific Ocean. It is conformed for large islands and small islets. Galapagos is a province of Ecuador, conformed for 3 cantons or islands which are: San Cristobal, Santa Cruz and Isabela.

The Galapagos archipelago is considered one of the most important natural treasures in the world.

The Galapagos Islands has diversity of flora and fauna, which generates curiosity of tourists environmentalists and explorers.

Galapagos offers the tourists variety of animals, landscapes and white sandy beaches.

The tourists can practice differents activities such as:
hiking, diving, surfing, snorkeling, and watching several of its marine and terrestrial species.


  • Diving

The Galapagos Islands are considered the best diving destination in the world for a deep adventure.

  • Snorkeling

Excellent choice for explore underwater and enjoy the company of sea lions, penguins and several marine species.

  • Bird watching

The Galapagos Islands are a paradise for bird lovers, the tourists can find several types of endemic birds that can be seen.

  • Kayaking

The Galapagos Islands offer crystal clear waters where you can see the diversity of species.

  • Surfing

Surfing in the Galapagos Islands is recommended only for the more experienced. The most popular places  for surfing are found in the islands of San Cristobal and Santa Cruz.

  • Walks

The tourists can walking for all islands.

  • Photography

Galapagos offer excellent photo opportunities.


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